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Roof Project Celebration Service and Lunch - Sunday 17th March. We are delighted that the Roof Project has been successfully completed and are grateful to everyone who played a part in this project. To mark this, there will be a service of celebration and thanksgiving on Sunday 17th March, to which we are inviting the architect and project manager, representatives from the construction and installation companies, users of the building who supported our grant applications and all of you who supported the project so magnificently with your prayers, donations and practical support. Tickets to the lunch are limited (for catering), but are open to all (first come, first served) to share in a light lunch after the service. Please obtain a ticket from one of the church stewards if you would like to attend. The stewards would also be happy to receive offers to contribute a dessert or a donation towards the cost of this light lunch. Sheila and Lynda are coordinating arrangements for the lunch.

  • Date: 17/03/2024 10:30 AM
  • Location temple methodist church